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5 Highly Effective Tips for Facebook Ad Targeting

Everyone wants to maximize their time and target customers effectively in order to obtain more leads and increase their sales.  So it makes complete sense to invest the necessary energy and time in learning to get the most from Facebook advertising. 

You should specifically focus on learning how to better sort through the enormous amounts of data that is available and get highly targeted audiences created.  Otherwise, you will just be running ads and hoping they get displayed to people who are actually interested in what you have to sell.  The following are some of our best tips for you to use when advertising on Facebook:

1- Begin with Geography

For any business that operates in a specific geographical area, location is the most obvious place for them to start.  Facebook allows you to narrow your searches down to individual neighbourhoods and zip codes, which means you don’t need to waste the reach of your ads on individuals who are located outside of your local market.

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For instance, say you sell baby clothes from your business located in Miami.  Facebook has information showing that Miami has 184,000 households and 40 percent are married couples.  You can narrow your target to just Miami households with couple who have married within the last five years.  There are virtually endless options for you to explore.


2- Pay Attention to Purchase Behaviors

Of all of the useful data that Facebook collects, among the most overlooked is the information that relates to purchase behavior.  The data gets collected from offline activity in addition to Facebook activity.  You can use this information to serve your ads to individuals you know have an interest in the product you are selling.

For example, you own a sporting goods store and want to advertise a pair of new baseball cleats.  What you can do is target users who purchased items recently like batting gloves, baseball pants, aluminium bats and other kinds of related products.  There is a good chance they will interested in learning about a new pair of cleats that have just come out.


3- Create Custom Audiences

A great tool is provided by Facebook which lets you create “Custom Audiences.”  They are basically customer profiles that let you serve different ads over extended time periods to the same group.  The best way of using custom audiences is creating a few different groups and then serve the same ad to all of them.  Then based on each group’s conversion rate, you can identify quickly where your money is being wasted and where it is best spent.

4- Remarketing

After you have run a couple of campaigns and achieved some positive results, next you can try out Facebook’s “remarketing” option.  Remarketing lets you display ads to individuals who have clicked on an ads of yours in the past or followed through with one of your conversion goals.  This is an excellent way of maximizing your ROI through reengaging previous customers.  Agency 2 have a great infographic on it.


5- Smaller Can Be Better Sometimes

At first it might sound strange, however with Facebook advertising, small audiences are usually better.  Why is that? Because smaller audiences are more focused and targeted.

If you have a 2 million user target reach, your ad will get displayed to a large group of people, but what are the chances you will be reaching people who are legitimately interested in what you are offering? However, if you instead apply several filters and narrow the 2 million user group down to 20,000 people, the chances that your ad will be served to users who will take action is much higher.

Think about it this way: Would you like your ad to be served to 2 million individuals, receive 300 clicks and just five conversions.  Or would you end up having a higher ROI if your same ad was served to 20,000 users, receive just 20 clicks but 15 conversions. Most people would prefer the latter scenario.


Keep Current with Facebook Advertising

If you would seriously like to keep building your business and investing in progressive advertising and marketing methods, then you need to stay current with Facebook, which is the premiere advertising platform today.

So if you are going to use Facebook as part of your overall advertising marketing strategy, then you need to understand how to effectively and efficiently sort through the enormous amounts of data that Facebook provides you with.  The foundation of all of your efforts are to use the ad targeting tips we have discussed here.  If you do that you should definitely experience positive results to move your business forward.

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