Test Scenario vs Test Case: Best Practices for Effective Testing

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    Test scenarios and cases are two fundamental terms associated with automated testing. While both are significant components of testing that share certain similarities, they have distinct characteristics that should be considered for developing efficient testing routines aligned with best practices.

    Read this article to learn how to differentiate test scenario vs test case and explore recommendations for their effective creation.

    Test scenario

    Test scenarios are high-level descriptions of a broader scope of functionalities or conditions that require testing (https://www.executiveautomats.com/resources/articles/test-scenario-vs-test-case-differences). They often represent areas requiring testing from an end-user perspective, which makes them easily linked to specific user stories or traceable to user requirements. At the same time, test scenarios lack detailed instructions on the steps for testing and provide only a general outline of the functionality or condition selected for testing.

    Examples of test scenarios

    Some examples of test scenarios include:

    • Verifying that a user can view order details in the order history;
    • Verifying that a user can make payments;
    • Verifying users can create, view, and edit their social media profile.

    Components of test scenarios

    Due to their more generalized p; perspective, test scenarios do not involve detailed steps or provide comprehensive documentation. However, they typically include:

    • The objective or outcome that the test scenario aims to evaluate;
    • Conditions contributing to the testing environment, such as hardware or software;
    • Inputs like events, user actions, or specific data that can trigger the scenario.

    The purpose of test scenarios

    Although test scenarios do not provide QA teams with exact instructions on testing, they still play a crucial role in ensuring software quality. Some of the advantages of using test scenarios in your testing routine are:

    • Ensuring that no critical aspects of the software that require testing are missed;
    • Providing a solid foundation for building effective and comprehensive test cases;
    • Assisting in efficient prioritization of testing efforts;
    • Improving communication with non-technical stakeholders who can contribute to aligning testing procedures with business and user requirements;
    • Serving as a framework for organizing the testing process and test management.

    Test case

    A test case is a term used in the context of a detailed set of instructions that should be followed for examining a specific aspect of a software product or its functionality. It has a narrower scope than test scenarios and includes detailed steps that must be performed. Test cases also incorporate expected outcomes.

    Ideally, test cases are created in a way that allows them to be reused during multiple testing cycles.

    Test case example

    The test case name can resemble those used for test scenarios. For instance, just like it is possible to create a test scenario “Verify that a user can make payments,” it is also possible to create such a test case.

    However, the test case will be much more detailed, including instructions for exact actions that must be completed, such as navigating to the payment page, selecting the payee, entering the payment amount, and proceeding through each step until clicking the “confirm” button to complete the payment.

    Components of test cases

    Since test cases are more detailed than test scenarios, they also involve additional components. These include:

    • A unique test case identifier known as Test Case ID;
    • Data required for the test, such as conditions or input data;
    • A description of the test scenario purpose;
    • Detailed instructions for each step required for test execution;
    • The expected test outcome;
    • Results observed after executing the test;
    • Test case status to indicate whether it passed, failed, or is pending;
    • Any related comments.

    The purpose of test cases

    Some of the purposes of test cases are similar to those of test scenarios, such as ensuring that the application meets business and user requirements and testing all parts of the software. Additionally, test cases are designed to provide specific instructions that help uncover issues in the application and ensure consistency in testing processes.

    The suitability of test cases for repeated execution supports regression testing, which involves running many existing tests every time the software changes. Furthermore, by providing comprehensive documentation on the testing process, test cases help QA teams maintain traceability between defects, test cases, and requirements.

    Best practices for test scenarios and test cases

    To create effective test cases, it is recommended to ensure all application requirements are thoroughly understood and captured. This helps prioritize critical functionalities for initial testing coverage. When creating scenarios for comprehensive coverage of user journeys, it is important to avoid going into excessive details, which should be handled by test cases.

    Test cases, on the other hand, should be as detailed as possible yet written clearly and straightforwardly to avoid ambiguity. Each step should specify the expected outcome. Additionally, high-quality, realistic test data reflecting actual use cases is crucial for test cases. Maintain test data separately to facilitate reuse across different test cases.

    Ensure test cases are independent from each other to enhance their flexibility and reusability.

    Final thoughts

    While it may be easy to confuse test cases with test scenarios, these are two distinct components of testing procedures, both crucial for software quality assurance. Test cases provide exact instructions with detailed steps for testing, while test scenarios offer broad descriptions from the user’s perspective.

    By adopting best practices, you can leverage test scenarios to achieve comprehensive coverage of all aspects requiring testing. This builds a strong foundation for more detailed test cases. Meanwhile, effective test cases can empower test automation, provide the necessary documentation, and aid in regression testing.

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